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Access to the company report
  • Info Projekt Piotr Tadajewski
  • Poland
  • Toruń, Kozacka 5 lok. 12A
Available reports
Quick reportQuick SMS express
Sample reportSample report
General data
Contact datayesyes
Profile of the economic activityyesyes
Company’s ratingyesyes
Trade credityesyes
Management structuren/an/a
Share and stockholdersn/an/a
Ownership structuren/ano
Employment levelsn/an/a
Company auditorn/an/a
The financial data
Financial profilen/an/a
Balance sheetn/an/a
Profit and loss accountn/an/a
Economic analysis
Financial Ratiosn/an/a
Company against the industryn/ano
Payment typeonline payment
Price50 PLN
or less
25 PLN
Available reports
Feature temporarily unavailable.

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