News on the site


There are no changes in business activities. The first quarter did not bring any breakthrough despite the announcement of some relief for micro-entrepreneurs. This means that we still closed and suspended more activities than we opened and resumed. A good sign is that the situation improved in March. We will find out in the coming months whether it was just a one-off slight rebound or maybe something more.

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There are already over ❗182,000 available in the InfoCredit database. reports for 2022 ❗, i.e. 52% of the number of reports submitted for the previous period. Every day our database is updated with thousands of new ones.

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In the first quarter of 2023, again - for the third time in a row - there were more applications for termination and suspension of business activities in Poland than for establishment and resumption. The InfoCredit index, describing this relationship, is therefore still in the red - both quarterly and monthly. It is somewhat comforting that the index has moved away from the bottom of 2022 and 2021. The situation is improving slightly month by month.

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January 2023 was another month in which there were more applications for the suspension and termination of business activities than those established and resumed. The InfoCredit index, which describes this relationship, has been in the red for 7 months. This means that there are no more active economic activities. On the contrary, it is dying.

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The InfoCredit business activity index calculated on a quarterly basis fell to the value from the turn of 2021 and 2022. Counting year on year and taking into account seasonality, it is sinking lower and lower.

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In Poland, there are 14,786 entities linked to Ukraine by capital or beneficiary, including entities with at least one Ukrainian citizen on the management board. These are not only companies, but also associations and foundations.

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Rafał Brzoska's post caused a great storm in social media, and thus in the economic area. The CEO of Group compared the amounts of income tax paid to the Polish budget by its companies and companies with foreign owners. In the courier industry, InPost is the largest tax payer - in 2021 it paid over PLN 222 million to the CIT budget (despite significant investments), and all foreign competitors of Mr. Rafał Brzoska's companies present in Poland by about 60 million less.

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In 2022, there was a significant increase in the number of new economic activities established by Ukrainian citizens in Poland. After February, many more of them were created than in previous years. It is mainly a service activity, and the most popular industry is hairdressing and beauty treatments. But not only. This year also IT specialists and IT specialists went to their job in Poland. A lot of activity (not less than in previous years) was also planned in construction and transport - according to a report by the InfoCredit analytical company.

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), assuming, inter alia, beneficial for taxpayers changes in the preparation of transfer pricing documentation for the so-called Heavenly transactions. The most interesting change for taxpayers is certainly the repeal of Art. 11o paragraph. 1a and 1b of this Act - as a result, there will be no obligation to prepare transfer pricing documentation for indirect transactions with tax havens. This obligation arose in a situation where the contractor of a given taxpayer (very often an unrelated entity) made transactions with an entity from a tax haven (literally reading the provision, transactions of even minimal value).

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Welcome back Grey Zone. 2.0

In the first half of 2022, and mainly in the second quarter, entrepreneurs tried to adapt to the new reality. Inflation-tax-war. There were more new and resumed economic activities than in the corresponding periods of 2021 and 2020 The problem is that there were many more suspensions and terminated activities than in the previous two years. On the one hand, the cancellation of the epidemic and the lifting of restrictions have brought new opportunities. On the other hand, an increase in tax burdens and costs has forced many businesses to suspend and close.

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Exporters and importers

In 2010 nearly 10,000 Polish companies imported goods from the United States to Poland.
During the same period of time, less than 4,000 Polish companies exported their goods to the USA. However, for almost 50% of these companies, the value of their export does not exceed 1 million PLN. Meanwhile, in the same year, over 6,000 companies exported their goods to Russia (in comparison to 1,500 companies importing from this country).

A comparison of companies exporting to and importing from Germany in recent years is also very interesting! The number of importing companies declined from almost 19,000 in 2008 to less than 14,000 in 2010. During the same period of time, the number of exporting firms decreased slightly from about 9,500 to just less than 9,000.

What can you do to find the countries where each Polish company exports or imports its products, goods or materials and the approximate value of these transactions?
You just have to register your personal account for free and purchase Quick Report PREMIUM.

Please, contact our Sales Department to be provided with full information on offer.

New report - Quick SMS express

Dear Sirs,

We are pleased to announce a new service recently implemented in InfoCredit online - Quick SMS express report.

Quick SMS express report provides the following information:

  • contact details,
  • profile of the economic activity,
  • rating and the estimated level of trade credit,
  • management and direct shareholders of the company,
  • data on employment and auditors,
  • data and financial analysis for a maximum of 3 years.

The access to the report is possible via SMS Premium service.
The cost of such SMS is only 25 PLN net! (30.75 PLN including tax).

We would like to remind you that the introduction of new report has resulted in some changes in our Terms of Service. For further information concerning this matter, please contact our sales department.

Yours sincerely,
InfoCredit Team

Reports of foreign companies are now online: already in the Quick Report!

Dear Sir / Madame,

We are pleased to announce another new service, introduced in InfoCredit Online - Quick International reports. Data on foreign entities are derived from our local partners and from the official, national registers of countries such as:

  • Belgium
  • Germany
  • Denmark
  • Norway
  • Finland
  • Switzerland
  • France
  • Sweden
  • Spain
  • USA
  • Netherlands
  • Great Britain
  • Ireland
  • Italy

The joint experience of InfoCredit and our foreign partners has resulted in the creation of a unique international report. Quick International allows a quick assessment of the credibility of your foreign business partners & contractors. All reports from the above list of countries are provided online - so you may have a direct access to them through your Quick Report account (after completing the procedure of purchase and payment by: bank transfer, credit card or special Quick Report Points).

Quick International search option is located in a separate section of general search engine. Please enter "Search" bookmark and follow by clicking "International" Remember! You have to be logged in to your InfoCredit online account.

Moreover, currently only "offline", we supply reports of such foreign countries as:

  • Cyprus
  • Latvia
  • Estonia
  • Russia
  • Lithuania
  • Ukraine

Please be advised that as a result of the Quick International reports introduction to the InfoCredit Online, Terms & Conditions of our services have been changed to meet the requirements of our new services.

Yours faithfully,
InfoCredit Team

The newest edition of sector analysis - available now in Quick Report!

Dear Customers,

We are pleased to present you the new edition of our sector indexes – this time they describe the state of the Polish economy in the year 2010.

The presented indexes are an extremely versatile and quick source of information – both, selective as well as synthetic information can be retrieved thanks to our analysis. Every investor, analyst or other participant of the business cycle will find the requested data.

Best regards,

The team of InfoCredit

New feature in Quick Report – export your data into MS Excel files!

Dear Customers,

We would like to inform you that our website,, is offering you a brand new feature. The Quick Report is available now in form of editable and downloadable MS Excel file.

The implemented feature improves quality of data processing as well as storage of already bought reports. In other words – Quick Report once again meets our customers’ expectations.

Would you like to know more and discover the full offer of InfoCredit?

Just explore further our portal and test comprehensive information products!

Promotion 1+2 !!!

Dear Customers,

InfoCredit introduces a new special offer for its customers!!!

From now on you can get even more from InfoCredit!!! Till the 31st May 2011, buying one Quick Report provides you with 20 additional points that may be used in our portal These points are valid for 30 days since the date of report’s purchase - more information available in terms of promotion.

The promotional points allow you to download two additional Quick Reports or to create Quick Roll report on up to 40 companies. The evaluation of financial condition and searching for potential contractors have never been so easy and cheap – only long-term subscription can be less expensive!!!

3 reports for the price of only one?! YES, IT IS POSSIBLE!


The newest edition of sector analysis - available now in Quick Report!

Dear Customers,

Once again we present you our sector indexes – this time they describe the state of the Polish economy in the year 2009.

The presented indexes are an extremely versatile and quick source of information – both, selective as well as synthetic information can be retrieved thanks to our analysis. Every investor, analyst or other participant of the business cycle will find the requested data.

In other words – feel invited to try out our products!

Best regards,

The team of InfoCredit

The InfoCredit’s rating tool – a new comparative feature of our website. Try it!

Dear Customers,

We are very pleased to present to you our synthetic evaluation tool that will help you during the company assessment process – the rating of the specified company.

The basis of this particular feature of our service is both the quantitative data from financial statements and the qualitative data, concerning bankruptcy, mergers, takeovers or press information.

We believe that it will make the business decisions easier. Especially in the overflow of information that, instead of being helpful in our actions, complicates the business management.

The team of InfoCredit

It is always good to know who sets the course! You can check it in our updated report on shareholders – see what is inside!


It is often said that knowing who is pulling the strings might be the best option if we do not know anything about our contractors. It is nothing strange – free market is based on the decisions of the shareholders.

We would like to make identification of the owners significantly easier than it was before. In order to achieve that, we have enriched the contents of our Quick Report. We are proud to present the improved section "hareholders of the company".

Thanks to a new pie chart, even a single glance is enough to check the proportion of the shares in the examined company.

See you on our website!

COMPARE YOURSELF WITH COMPETITORS!!! Available from now on – sector analysis!

Dear Customers!

The recession affects all of us, but is it so dreadful for all of us? The answer for this question is provided by our sector analysis of Polish economy. Do not hesitate and test it – you can check the current condition of your industry even now!!!

The set of 13 indexes has been created in cooperation with the Financial Analysis Commitee of the Science Board of the Accountants Association in Poland. It will enable you to assess the current unstable situation on the market.

It is not worth waiting longer!!! Feel free to try our upgraded Quick Reports. We hope that it will be us, who will protect you against misjudged business decisions. Let us fight with the recession together!!!

Our products are waiting for you!!!

An extended content of the Quick Report – index analysis of the specified company!!!

Available from now on!!!

In response to the variable economic conditions and repeating signals of the present economic recession, the team of InfoCredit company has decided to enrich the content of its Quick Report. We have implemented some interesting instruments that will help you to avoid numerous unfortunate accidents connected with your business activity.

In its new, extended version you will receive a cross-sectional index analysis of the examined company. Thanks to that, you will be able to assess the condition of the specified company even quicker and more accurately.

Only the most recent information and its correct interpretation can assure you of the proper risk management in your own company. Moreover, the price of our Quick Report will remain at the same attractive level!!!

Please, test our latest updates!!!